Monday, April 22, 2013

Finding True Love Again After a Bad Breakup

Posted by SpellsandMagic

Bad Breakup? Lover cheats or cheated? Tired of that?
Have gone through relationship after relationship always thinking it was you?
Maybe, you are looking for that special relationship? Maybe you think why?
Possibly you are thinking why can’t I have what appears that everyone else has?
Good questions, My coven and I hear these all the time and more. So let’s address this by first saying IT IS NOT YOU!
Some are not aware of the Universal Energy that runs through everything in this world. Let’s go back to the questions above. Bad Breakups, Cheaters really just go through life thinking its ok to hurt others. I and other friends of mine have been through it once or twice. It happens unfortunately, and there is a way out.

Going through relationships is another hurtful experience, it happens, and there is a way out.
Special relationships, it is possible, and there is a way out.
What appears to be happy may not always be the case. There are exceptions, they are not always the rule. A relationship has many levels and complexities. The core of a great relationship are as follows:
-          Honesty- Full Disclosure
-          Joy of being with that person, similar to the day you fell in love or first attraction
-          Wanting to be with that person and experiencing moments of happiness
-          Enjoying their kiss, their hugs, holding hands while walking through store, or maybe a zoo or nature
-          Truly being grateful of each other- as much as possible for you.
This is possible and can happen for you! It may not be in your conscious mind, your underlying belief you believe. A little secret I want to fill you in on: REGARDLESS OF WHAT APPEARS ON THE SERVICE HUMAN NATURE IS THE DESIRE TO BE LOVED! It is unfortunate that the few “bad seeds” ruin it for the rest of who desire it.
Now, there is a way out! My eight other members of the coven and myself have helped many people across the globe find their special relationships, helped with the reigniting of their relationship, and so many other ways. What do you desire? What ultimately can we give energy to in helping you get that special someone?
Remember everything is possible! What spell or magic spell do you need cast in your honor? All things in this big blue rock’s energy is designed for you, JUST OPEN THE BOX.
Love to all and blessed be